The Ultimate Guide to Shopping for Epic Food Blog PLR

The Ultimate Guide to Shopping for Epic Food Blog PLR

Welcome to the wild and wonderful world of PLR shopping, where stunning food photos and delicious recipes reign supreme! Whether you're a seasoned blogger or just starting out, finding the right PLR content can be a bit overwhelming.

With so many options to choose from, it's easy to get lost in a sea of mouth-watering images and tempting titles. But fear not, my foodie friend, because we're here to guide you through the process and help you find the PLR content of your dreams. So grab your shopping cart and let's get started!

Match Your Niche

First things first, think about the type of recipes you want to feature on your food blog. Do you specialize in desserts? Are you all about low-carb recipes? Whatever your niche may be, make sure the recipe PLR you choose fits your blog's theme and your audience's preferences.

“But this recipe is on sale!”

“and this recipe looks so good, I have to have it!”


Staying true to your niche is not only important for your readers, but also for SEO purposes. By consistently featuring recipes and content that align with your niche, you'll establish yourself as an authority in that area and attract a targeted audience. 

This can lead to higher engagement and conversions on your blog. Additionally, search engines like Google take into account the relevance and consistency of your content when ranking your website. 

By staying focused on your niche, you can improve your chances of ranking higher in search engine results and getting discovered by new readers who are interested in your particular area of expertise.

Thank goodness for my friend Petra over at Simply SEO It…who helped me immensely on this subject. I THOUGHT I had tons of relevant content on my main topic and I branched out into offering side dishes for my main topic. After she analyzed the market, she pointed out that while I had lots of content there were other websites that had even more content than I had on my main topic. I was then assigned this task - double down on my main topic.

Learning lesson here is: don’t dilute your content with unrelated topics.

Uncovering the Best PLR

Next, consider the quality of the PLR. Is the photography high-resolution and visually appealing? 

It's no secret that consumers shop with their eyes. When it comes to selecting a recipe, the visual appeal is often the first thing that catches their attention.

Consider these stats:

  • Research has shown that people tend to retain only 10% of the information they hear after three days. But when the same information is presented with a relevant image, the retention rate increases to a whopping 65%. Brain Rules + Hubspot
  • 70% of e-commerce shoppers place product imagery as a very important factor in their decision to purchase a product*
  • 60% of consumers claim they’re more drawn to a business that has a strong visual appeal in the form of images*
  • 67% of consumers say that the quality of a product image is “very important” in selecting and purchasing the product*
*MDG Solutions

    A mouth-watering photo can make all the difference between a recipe that is clicked on and one that is skipped over. This is why it's crucial to choose recipe PLR that is visually appealing and enticing to your readers. High-quality photos that showcase the dish and its ingredients in a beautiful and appetizing way can make your blog stand out from the rest and keep your readers coming back for more.

    What to Look for in Food Photo PLR?

    A great food photo should highlight the best features of the dish and capture its inherent deliciousness, tempting viewers to take a bite.

    You should look for images that showcase the dish at its best. You can ask yourself these questions: 

    • Is the food the star of the photo, with minimal distractions in the background or foreground?
    • Is the main subject in focus (ie. clear and crisp)?
    • Is the lighting bright and well-balanced, highlighting the dish's textures and colors?
    • Is the composition pleasing to the eye, with attention paid to factors such as framing, angles, and placement?

    Ultimately, the goal is to choose images that not only look great, but also capture the essence of the recipe and make the viewer want to try it themselves.

    As a food photographer, the images that stand out best to me have vibrant colours, close-up detailed shots, uncluttered compositions, or lots of texture if the food is muted or monotone in colour (like breads and muffins). Oh - and a touch of glossy highlights always win me over. Think about the shine on a glazed donut or chocolate spread on bread. Yum!

    Being Unique with Food Photo PLR

    When you're shopping for food recipe PLR, there are a few things to look for that will help you remain unique. Look for PLR that has lots of variety for the hero shots. Hero shots are those final, mouth-watering food images that you typically feature as the main image for your recipe post and then again in the recipe itself.

    Look for PLR photos that showcase the food from a range of angles, styling, and backgrounds.

    Then after you purchase, be smart about the photos you select for your blog - select just a few hero images to use. Select hero images that look cohesive together.

    Example: if you are provided with hero shots with different backgrounds, say wood, marble, and linen, don’t select a hero shot from each style.  Best practice is to stick with the same style. So if you like the marble background, use only marble background hero shots in your blog post. Don't mix and match styles. 

    Check the Ingredients + Cooking Methods

    When shopping for PLR recipe content, it's important to not only look at the visual elements but also the recipe itself. Take the time to read through the ingredients and cooking methods to make sure they align with your own cooking style and any dietary restrictions you may have.

    PLR sellers typically list the featured ingredients of the recipe in the product description. This is helpful so you can check the availability of ingredients at your local supermarket (or determine in advance if you can substitute ingredients). The ingredients are also helpful to make sure they fit in your community or within any dietary restrictions of your readers. 

    Don’t make assumptions based on the pictures! If you aren’t sure if a recipe is grilled, roasted or air fried…be sure to ask!

    Consider the Keywords

    Looking to rank organically? 

    When selecting recipe PLR for a food blog, it's important to consider the keywords that are relevant to the blog's niche and audience. By incorporating these keywords into the recipe title, description and images, bloggers can optimize their content for search engines and attract more organic traffic. 

    Check the keywords on the recipe to see what the competition is like. And do some further research for related keywords - there are likely other angles you can take for keywords that are less competitive than the obvious keywords.

    By selecting PLR recipes that are keyword-rich, bloggers can improve their chances of ranking higher in search engine results and increasing their visibility to potential readers and customers.

    Newer blogs will want to focus on low competition keywords that have decent volume to help the blog stand out in the marketplace. 

    It's Not All About the Keywords…

    While incorporating relevant keywords is important for SEO, established food blogs (along with new blogs!) may have other reasons for purchasing recipe PLR beyond optimizing their search rankings. 

    For instance, bloggers may use PLR content to provide value to their subscribers by including exclusive recipes in a newsletter or e-book.  They can also create content around the recipe as a lead magnet. 

    Additionally, some bloggers may simply want to expand their recipe collection with visually stunning content that aligns with their brand's aesthetic. 

    In these cases, the focus may be less on keyword research and more on finding high-quality PLR content that resonates with their audience and aligns with their brand messaging.

    Food Blog PLR Pricing

    While price is certainly a factor to consider, it shouldn't be the only one. Instead, bloggers should focus on finding high-quality PLR that is both visually appealing and relevant to their niche.

    It's a good idea to compare prices across different providers, but also to look for additional value-adds such as video tutorials, customization options, or extra images. In the end, investing in quality PLR can pay off in terms of increased traffic, engagement, and revenue for the blog.

    Making the Purchase: Instant Downloads VS Email Transactions

    Before you start splurging on some delicious PLR, let's talk about where you're buying it from. Are you looking for instant access to your content or are you willing to wait a bit? Some websites allow you to make your purchase and receive your content immediately.

    Other transactions may take a bit more time as they're done manually. You might have to provide your email address and wait for a PayPal invoice to come through. So be sure to check out the platform you're buying from and make sure it suits your needs. Remember, you want to get cooking as soon as possible!

    Usage Rights

    When you're buying PLR for your food blog, make sure to read the fine print when it comes to usage rights. These rights can affect how you use the content and whether or not you can tweak it to fit your brand.

    Some PLR options might come with stricter rules, while others might give you more freedom. It's important to be aware of any limitations on where you can use the content, such as on social media or in eBooks in addition to your blog. By keeping an eye on usage rights, you can feel confident that you're using the content appropriately and protecting your blog from any legal troubles.

    Finally, make sure the PLR comes with commercial rights that allow you to use the content on your blog and in your products. You don't want to run into any legal issues down the line.

    By taking the time to choose the right recipe PLR for your food blog, you'll set yourself up for success in customizing your content and creating a mouth-watering experience for your readers.

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